INESC-ID takes part in new Horizon Europe Project SYCLOPS
Eight leading European organizations join forces to bring together RISC-V and SYCL standards to demonstrate ground-breaking advances…
Two INESC-ID PhD students selected as “3 Minute Thesis” finalists
Two INESC-ID PhD students have been selected as part of the 12-strong group of finalist for the…
How to generate algorithms: Diogo Vaz featured in Público’s article series by PhD students
Diogo Vaz — a PhD student in the Distributed, Parallel and Secure Systems (DPSS) research area —…
Girls in ICT Day 2023: GIRLSTEAM @ Taguspark
The Instituto Superior Técnico Taguspark community recently celebrated Girls in ICT Day 2023 on 27 April with…
In Memoriam: Daniel Charles Ferreira Porto
É com pesar que comunicamos o falecimento do nosso amigo, colega e investigador Daniel Charles Ferreira Porto.…
The April 2023 INESC-ID newsletter is out!
The April 2023 issue of NEWS-ID — the INESC-ID Newsletter — is out! You can read it…
The 2022 INESC-ID Annual Report is out!
The 2022 INESC-ID Annual Report is out! Our newly re-designed report, published in Portuguese, features all the…
Diogo Nunes featured in Público’s article series by PhD students
What can a computational analysis of the language of pain tell us about the lived experience of…
Mário Silva featured in “90 Segundos de Ciência” radio program
Mário Silva has been featured in 90 Segundos de Ciência, a popular science radio program broadcast by…
The 13th Lisbon Machine Learning School will take place at IST in July
The Lisbon Machine Learning Summer School (LxMLS 2023) will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) as…
Inês Lynce discusses AI and ChatGPT in “Comunicações” magazine
Inês Lynce — Automated Reasoning and Software Reliability researcher at INESC-ID, as well as President of its…
Carolina Carreira awarded Huawei scholarship
Carolina Carreira has been awarded an extremely competitive Huawei scholarship, becoming one of 50 awardees selected among…