New exploratory research projects at INESC-ID supported by FCT and CMU Portugal program
The CMU Portugal Program supports the launch of Exploratory Research Projects (ERPs) on a regular basis, with the main objective of promoting Portugal’s international competitiveness and innovation capacity in Science and Technology (S&T) in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In the 2021 call, from a total of six exploratory research projects supported by this international partnership, two of them will be coordinated by INESC-ID:
-DIVINA: Detecting Injection Vulnerabilities In Node.js Applications, coordinated by José Fragoso dos Santos and with the participanting institution IT, with a total funding of 69 941,66€
-DaNon: Supervised Deanonymization of Dark Web Traffic for Cybercrime Investigation , coordinated by Nuno Santos, within a consortia with INESCTEC and FCiências.ID, with a total funding of 62 514,30€