Artificial Intelligence is forcing us to rethink and reshape everything, from leadership to research and innovation. It presents both a challenge and an opportunity. In this defiant and exciting context, INESC Brussels HUB is inviting 25 top R&I administrators, managers, researchers, and policymakers from across Europe to a highly dynamic “lunch to lunch” participatory workshop, taking place on June 5 and 6.

With an emphasis on active engagement, this summer school ensures valuable and actionable outcomes for all attendees.

The methodology includes presentations, collaborative discussions and workshops enabling participants to benchmark their practices against leading AI standards; gain insights and innovative strategies for their institutions; network with top experts from academia, industry and policy-making.

INESC-ID President, Inês Lynce, along with other Board members and researchers from our institution will attend the Brussels meeting, joined by representatives from all other four INESC Group institutions. The list of participants includes AICEP Portugal Global, the European Research Council and various European research institutions.