Teacher Training Course “Introdução à Tecnologia e à Inteligência Artificial na Educação”
As part of the “Engenharia para Todos” (Engineering for All) project, a project by INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico in partnership with the Municipality of Oeiras, the GAIPS group from INESC-ID invites primary and secondary school teachers in Portugal to participate in the training course “Introdução à Tecnologia e à Inteligência Artificial na Educação” (Introduction to Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Education).
The course, with a duration of 6 hours divided into 3 sessions, and certified by CFO (Centro de Formação de Escolas do Concelho de Oeiras), covers computer networks, AI basics and risks, large language models like ChatGPT, AI tools for education, and practical applications like coding and DALL-E.
Date & Time: February 17 and 24; March 10 | 16h00 to 18h00
Where: Técnico – Oeiras, Porto Salvo
Registrations Deadline: February 14
More information (for teachers): here