INESC-ID Talk: INESC Brussels HUB Overview by Ricardo Migueis (+ One-to-One meetings)
On March 11, INESC-ID will host Ricardo Migueis, the Head of Office at INESC Brussels HUB. Ricardo will present an overview of the office, covering its mission, planned activities, and the opportunities it offers researchers at INESC ID.
Additionally, Ricardo will be available for one-to-one meetings on the same day.
Date & Time: March 11, 14h00
Where: INESC-ID, Rua Alves Redol, 9, 1000-029 Lisboa | Room 9 (Auditorium), Ground Floor
One-to-One Meetings: 15h00 to 16h30 (to schedule a time slot contact:
Bio: Ricardo Migueis is the Head of Office of INESC Brussels HUB, representing the 5 organisations of the holding, employing more than 2000 people and having world renowned reputation in research and technology transfer in diverse domains.
He has 20 years of experience in research, research management and science and technology policy in Europe and Latin America (FIESP – Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo).
He combined and used his research experience as project manager of DINÂMIA-CET, a Socio-Economic Research Unit at the Lisbon University Institute. In three and half years he strongly contributed to exponentially increase (multiply by 4) the number of national and international research projects developed by the research team. He was full-time NCP for the 7th EU FP. He left to kick-start and coordinate the “Strategic Projects and International Relations Team” at the National Agency for the Promotion of Scientific Culture – Ciência Viva (2010-2012).
(Full bio here)