OLISSIPO Winter School | Mathematical modelling of inter-cell and communities’ interactions with a focus on metabolism 

OLISSIPO Winter School | Mathematical modelling of inter-cell and communities’ interactions with a focus on metabolism 

The OLISSIPO Winter SchoolOLISSIPO School on Mathematical modelling of inter-cell and communities’ interactions with a focus on metabolism – will be held in Lisbon at INESC-ID (Alves Redol) between February 6-9, 2024.

Keynote speakers:

Prof. Jörg Stelling, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Prof. Jürgen Zanghellini, University of Vienna, Austria
Prof. Kiran Patil, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Steffen Klamt, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany

The preliminary agenda is available here.

Registration is free but mandatory. Please register here until January 12, 2024.

About the OLISSIPO project

Funded by the European Commission within its H2020 Research and Innovation programme “Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation|Twinning”, OLISSIPO aims to enhance the competences in Computational Biology at INESC-ID in Lisbon, towards the creation of an international pole of excellence in multi-disciplinary science in Portugal.

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INESC-ID, “Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores: Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa” is a Research and Development and Innovation Organization (R&D+i) in the fields of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. INESC-ID mission is to produce added value to people and society, supporting the response of public policies to scientific, health, environmental, cultural, social, economic and political challenges. INESC-ID promotes cooperation between academia and industry by addressing research on daily life issues, such as healthcare, space, mobility, agri-food, industry 4.0, and smart grids. This high level of knowledge transfer is achieved through both competitive research projects and direct contracted research. Public and private entities have therefore access to a pool of knowledge, resources and services provided through the unique competencies available at the institution.


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