40 Years of Science and Knowledge: The ability to create new technology-based companies
The second session to celebrate INESC 40th years will take place on October 8, at 5 p.m., at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Auditorium II).
This session will be transmitted live.
17:00 Opening session
Leonel Sousa (INESC Lisboa/IST)
17:10 Keynote speech
Carlos Moedas (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)
17:30 Panel I: The first wave: networks and services
José Alves Marques (LINK/IST)
João Nuno Bento (Novabase)
Pedro Ramalho Carlos (Shilling Founders Fund)
Luís Alveirinho (Altice)
Moderator: Isabel Trancoso (INESC-ID/IST)
18:15 Panel II: The second wave: software and artificial intelligence
Vasco Pedro (Unbabel)
Ana Teresa Freitas (HeartGenetics)
Jaime Jorge (Codacy)
João Paulo Neto (Voice Interaction)
Moderator: Joaquim Sérvulo Rodrigues (Armilar)
19:00 Four decades creating value
Arlindo Oliveira (INESC/IST)
19:10 Closing
José Tribolet (INESC)
19:15 Closing
António Costa, Prime Minister (to confirm)
[Registration will be open soon]