Evaluation INESC-ID
As Associate Laboratory since 2004, INESC-ID is periodically evaluated by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
This status is reserved for research institutions of great merit that have been recognized in external assessments as having the “capacity to cooperate in a stable, competent and efficient way in the pursuit of specific political, scientific and national technological objectives”.
The review is made by an international panel of experts, based on the R&D institutions’ activity reports and proposed strategic plans as well as on direct contacts with researchers and institutions, through site visits and/or interviews by the reviewers.
All R&D institutions are awarded a qualitative grade, which determines the level of funding to be awarded, until the next review takes place, or until a mid-term assessment is made.
INESC-ID most recent evaluation took place December 3rd, and with great effort of all INESC-ID members, we believe we were able to transmit all our passion and commitment.