CMU Portugal Program announced 2023/2024 call for PhD scholarships
The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal), supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), will have an OPEN CALL between February 15 and March 31, 2023, under the “Affiliated Ph.D. Programs”. This initiative is addressed to students who wish to study at a Portuguese University with a research period at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) up to one year.
The 12 scholarships available for the 2023/2024 academic year will be granted in the following CMU Portugal selected research areas:
- Computer Science,
- Electrical and Computer Engineering,
- Engineering and Public Policy,
- Human-Computer Interaction,
- Language Technologies,
- Robotics,
- Software Engineering.
The grants are available on a competitive basis and will fully support the tuition fees at Portuguese universities, plus provide a monthly stipend for up to 4 years. Financial support will also be guaranteed during the research period at CMU. After the successful Ph.D. conclusion, the candidates will be awarded their Ph.D. degree by the Portuguese Host Institution.
To apply please visit the “Admissions and Scholarships” page on the CMU Portugal Program, where you will find the online form to submit your application.
The admissions period will be open from February 15 at 12:00 (GMT) to March 31, 2023 at 12:00 (GMT).
The CMU Portugal Coordination Office will host on March 2nd at 2pm (Lisbon time) an Info Session to clarify all doubts about this Call. To attend please fill in this online form.
Inês Lynce, National Director at Portugal of the CMU Portugal Program, is the current President of INESC-ID.