researcher Luis Correia @ionline
Most likely, you have heard of the generations of mobile phones, rather than the mobile communications systems that are used by mobile phones. Most likely also, you don’t have a precise idea of the ones that exist and the difference between them. In fact, the…
the nano satellite ISTNANOSAT-1
ISTNANOSAT-1, the nano satellite developed by students and teachers with the collaboration of AMRAD, was integrated into the “Fly your satellite” program of the European Space Agency (ESA). The team, involving researchers from IST, INESC-ID and IT, now comprises a group of six universities from…
“Born From Knowledge”award to the MagCyte team
MagCyte Team (IST, INESC-ID, INESC-MN, JANZ SA) wins the award “Born From Knowledge” from the National Innovation Agency (ANI), at the i3S-Hovione Capital Health Innovation Prize, for their work in early cancer detection based on a lab-on-Chip that performs a magneto immuno-assay, using a simple…
RAGE shortlisted for the EC Innovation Radar prize
The european project RAGE has been short-listed for the Innovation Radar Prize 2017. It is one of 10 innovations which have been selected to compete for the prize in the “Early Stage Innovation” category. The Innovation Radar initiative of DG CONNECT identifies high potential…
Best Student Paper Nomination Award
André Carvalho, a young researcher supervised by Pável Calado and João Paulo Carvalho, received a Best Student Paper Nomination Award at the EUSFLAT2017 – 10th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, with the paper “Fuzzy Fingerprints for Item-Based Collaborative Filtering”. The…
2017 European Researchers’ Night
Last European Researchers’ Night at Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Ciência Viva was a sucess. Sixteen researchers involved, during an eight-hour exhibition. Demos in virtual reality, spoken language systems and sustainable mobility, covering several research areas, like health, education, environment and serious games. programa_NEI 2017
3rd Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction
The 3rd International Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction welcomes PhD students and young researchers for an intensive five days of lectures and ateliers covering a wide range of topics in social HRI.The summer school is being held at Vila Nova de Milfontes, at the southwest coast of…
what about super-intelligent characters at Skyrim?
Our researchers from the GAIPS research group are modifying Skyrim characters to add social and intelligence skills to these virtual agents.
about the startup PETsys
The startup PETsys Electronics, has developed a detector that can identify tumors with a millimeter. Vasco Varela says that they rely on PET technology, which already exists, but make it more sensitive.
bike to shop
This pilot experience is a partnership between our european projet TRACE and Lisboa E-Nova, that encourages the use of the bicycle in daily trips while promoting local commerce. This campaign occurs during the european mobility week, from 16 to 22 September. Registration: