What´s the future of intelligence? An interactive interview on Antena 3
In a relaxed atmosphere Arlindo Oliveira, President of Instituto Superior Técnico and researcher at INESC-ID, presents in a clear way the world of Artificial Intelligence and direct answers questions by Antena 3 listeners. One hour broadcast for this fascinating topic is not enough but through the…
“Digital Minds” in Observador
The digital newspaper “Observador” interviewed Arlindo Oliveira, President of Instituto Superior Técnico and researcher at INESC-ID. The interview is centered in his recent book”Digital Minds”, where we can find Arlindo Oliveira point of you, and some answers about the future of smartphones. http://observador.pt/especiais/arlindo-oliveira-nao-sei-se-os-smartphones-vao-durar-outros-10-anos/
HiPEAC Tech Transfer Awards
Congratulations to Aleksandar Ilic, researcher at INESC-ID, one of the ten winners selected for the 2017 HiPEAC Tech Transfer Awards with the Cache-aware Roofline Model integration in Intel® Advisor. Cache-aware Roofline model provides a simple and intuitive way of visually representing the limits of parallel processing on…
Journal IMPACT interviews Daniel Lopes about IT MEDEX Project
Daniel Lopes, researcher at INESC – ID was interviewed by the publication“Impact” in the context of the Project IT-MEDEX. The project aims to introduce novel user interfaces and interaction experiences inside work-spaces where professionals are engaged in collaborative tasks around 3D medical images. Daniel Lopes,…
Arlindo Oliveira – Prós e Contras | RTP
The opportunities and threats of Artificial Intelligence discussed on the TV program “Prós and Contras” with the participation of Arlindo Oliveira, President of Instituto Superior Técnico and researcher at INESC-ID. https://www.rtp.pt/play/p3033/e320376/pros-e-contras#sthash.HP9T3lPo.gbpl
An opinion article about Computational Thinking in Jornal Público.
Arlindo Oliveira, President of Instituto Superior Técnico and researcher at INESC-ID tell us why it is fundamental to acquire a computational thinking to address the challenges of the information society. A must read! https://www. publico.pt/2017/12/08/tecnologia/opiniao/pensamento-computacional-uma-competencia-para-o-futuro-1795245
Computerworld interview with Miguel Correia
When information systems are surrounded by the proliferation of threats and mobile devices linked to enterprise networks and there is scarcity of specialized human resources, the solution is to strengthen information security. The interview with the authors of the book “Segurança no Software” that explain…
Launch of LdoD Archive – Universidade de Coimbra 14/12/2017
The LdoD Archive is a collaborative digital archive of the Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa. It contains images of the autograph documents, new transcriptions of those documents and also transcriptions of four editions of the work. In addition to reading and comparing transcriptions, the LdoD Archive enables users to…
Law-Train Project – Exhibitor Workshop at Milipol 2017, Paris
This past week, the Law-Train Project was at the Milipol Conference in Paris, exhibiting as well as holding a workshop. Milipol Paris is the leading event dedicated to homeland security and it´s organized under the auspices of the French Ministry of Interior in partnership with…
New FCT Grantees
FCT aims to support graduates who wish to pursue research leading to a PhD degree. PhD Scholarships support graduates who comply with the requirements to apply for PhD studies and who wish to…