Category: News

Inesc Position Paper on Synergies Between European, National and Regional Funds and Programmes for Research, Development and Innovation

INESC fully supports a RD&I framework programme based on excellence. However, we believe this can only be achieved across Europe if, among other, synergies between European programmes and instruments are effectively and /de facto/ implemented, supported by strong incentives and with a simplified framework. Read all…

INESC-ID Recent Achievements in H2020

Researchers from INESC-ID have recently been successful through the participation in four European competitive projects: Olissipo leaded by Susana Vinga, BIG co-leaded by Rodrigo Rodrigues, TAILOR and HumainE-AI-Net with the participation of Ana Paiva. Olissipo is a twinning action, meaning that stands for institutional networking…

INESC Brussels HUB

Based in Brussels, INESC Brussels HUB was created, recently, to increase the success of the five institutes from INESC Group: INESC Coimbra, INESC ID, INESC MN, INESC TEC, and INESC Inovação. INESC Brussels HUB is an important step to raise INESC institutes to an international…

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