ALL-SUSTAINABLE held its 2nd Transnational Meeting in Bologna
The Consortium of the Erasmus+ project ALL SUSTAINABLE held its 2nd Transnational Meeting in Bologna, Italy, this past June. Since its launch in November 2022, ALL SUSTAINABLE has made significant progress — from unveiling the project logos and establishing its website to scheduling co-design sessions….
OLISSIPO Summer School @ INESC-ID | Computational phylogenetics to analyse the evolution of cells and communities
The OLISSIPO 2023 Summer School on Computational phylogenetics to analyse the evolution of cells and communities, held in Lisbon, Portugal, at INESC-ID, is today closing after three days of brilliant discussions and cutting-edge computational and biological science. Including flash talks of 3-10 minutes where attendees…
In memoriam: José Manuel Prista do Valle Cardoso Igreja
It is with sorrow that we write on the passing of our friend and colleague José Igreja. José Manuel Prista do Valle Cardoso Igreja completed his Licenciatura and Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in 1986 and 1992, respectively, as…
INESC-ID at Ciência 2023
INESC-ID is taking part in Ciência 2023, happening this week, 5 to 7 July, at the University of Aveiro campus. Ciência 2023 is the largest annual science and technology event in Portugal, organized by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the National…
The Portuguese Navy visits INESC-ID
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) today received a visit from representatives from the Portuguese Navy (Marinha Portuguesa, the naval branch of the Portuguese Armed Forces that is charged with the military defense of Portugal), who also had the chance to take a sneak peek at the…
The expression of hate speech against Afro-descendant, Roma, and LGBTQ+ communities in YouTube comments
What’s in a word, and especially one mobilized for online hate speech (OHS)? A team of INESC-ID researchers has asked exactly that. Authored by INESC-ID Information and Decision Support Systems (IDSS) researchers Paula Carvalho and Danielle Caled, and Human Language Technologies (HLT) researchers Fernando Batista…
The June 2023 INESC-ID newsletter is out!
The June 2023 issue of NEWS-ID — the INESC-ID Newsletter — is out! You can read it here. Containing recent news from our researchers and their projects, open positions and some extra bits of content, our monthly newsletter is a great one-stop spot for great…
Professor Arlindo Oliveira presents his new book “Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade”
Professor Arlindo Oliveira presented his new book — Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (the Portuguese title for “Science, Technology and Society”) — yesterday, 26 June 2023, at Sala Âmbito Cultural in El Corte Inglés in Lisbon. President of INESC, Distinguished Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico and…
Maria Inês Conceição wins first place at SIRESP Desafio Inovação 2023
Maria Inês Conceição has won first place at SIRESP Desafio Inovação 2023 (SIRESP Innovation Challenge 2023). Maria Inês was awarded for her project “Lightweight indoor environment mapping using micro aerial vehicles (MAVS)” at the second edition of the SIRESP Tech Days, on 02 June 2023….
Renata Castelo Branco selected for the TNC23 Future Talent Programme
Renata Castelo Branco was one of two Portuguese PhD students selected to take part in the TNC23 Future Talent Programme, which took place earlier this month in Tirana, Albania. Together with João Brandão (a student at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto),…