Author: Admin

In the Media: Fábio Passos writes on Jornal i about organ-on-chip technology that could revolutionise modern medicine

Can technology replace animal testing in drug development? A new article, entitled “Integrated circuits that emulate human organs: Organs-on-chip” (“Circuitos integrados que simulam órgãos humanos: Órgãos-em-chip”) was recently published by INESC-ID researcher, in the area of Nano-Electronic Circuits and Systems, Fábio Passos, on Portuguese newspaper,…

In the Media: Inês Lynce discusses Educational and Societal challenges in Computer Science at Visão newsmagazine

In a profound interview at Visão newsmagazine, INESC-ID President, Inês Lynce, discusses the evolution of computational sciences, particularly in relation to Artificial Intelligence (AI), and why the perception of radical change might not be entirely accurate, despite visible advancements. Inês details that while the foundations…

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