Supreme Court of Justice introduces new AI tool developed at INESC ID
On October 4th, the “Supremo Tribunal de Justiça” (STJ) hosted in its headquarters an open public session to present the results of “IRIS – Information, Rationalization, Integration and Summarization: Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques at the Supreme Court of Justice”. In this project, the INESC ID researchers…
INESC ID researchers contributed to the development of an intelligent device for the detection of multi-resistant bacteria
A group of Portuguese researchers from INESC-ID and INESC MN have contributed to the development of Bactometer, a biological detector that can be used as screening system to detect multi-resistant bacteria in less than an hour. Multidrug-resistant bacteria are estimated to cause about 4.5 million…
Two new exploratory projects led by INESC ID supported under the CMU Portugal Program
INESC ID will lead two new exploratory research projects (ERPs) selected under the 2022 Carnegie Mellon Portugal (CMU Portugal) Call, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). The CMU Portugal Program supports the launch of ERPs on a regular basis, with the main…