Afonso Botelho, a student from Instituto Superior Ténico (IST), who did his thesis in collaboration within INESC-ID and DEIMOS Engenharia, is one of the winning authors from the 2019 edition of Professor Luís Vidigal Award

Titled “Design and Application of Thrust Manoeuvres in a Constrained Spacecraft Rendezvous Context Using Optimal Control Techniques”, this thesis was guided by Prof. João Miranda Lemos, from INESC-ID and IST and Engr. Baltazar Parreira, from Deimos Engenharia. 

The Professor Luís Vidigal Award is an annual prize that distinguishes the author of one Master’s Dissertations that bring together the best scientific characteristics, of innovative and quality, with themes within the scientific areas of Electrical Engineering, Informatics and Computers. 


Congratulations to Afonso Botelho for this distinction, to all the nominees and also Simão Nava de Moraes Sarmento, from IST, who also won this award.