INESC-LX Talk: “A high-level introduction to zero-knowledge and SNARKs” by Prof. Jeroen van de Graaf (UFMG)
On January 19, at 10:30, INESC Lisboa will host a talk by Prof. Jeroen van de Graaf, from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), titled “A high-level introduction to zero-knowledge and SNARKs”.
“Zero-knowledge (ZK) has become a new buzz word in the blockchain world, even though not everybody seems to know what the term means. While zero-knowledge engineers are in high demand and are paid well. A tremendous amount of information about ZK is available: blogpost, videos, list of links. But most of it is unorganized, so it becomes overwhelming and intimidating. It seems they often suppose you already know what ZK is!
In this talk, targeted at professional with some technical background, I will define terminology and explain what the hype is all about.”
Prof. Jeroen van de Graaf is a cryptographer focusing on the theoretical and the applied aspects of cryptographic protocols. He is particularly interested in unconditional privacy and transparency, including topics such as: protocols based on noise, election and mixing protocols, general two- and multi-party computation, privacy-preserving machine learning, differential privacy, and verifiable generation of random strings.
He got a Masters in Mathematics from the Universiteit van Amsterdam (1985), and a PhD in Informatique from the Université de Montréal (1998). From August 2008 until February 2011 he was an Assistant Professor at Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Since March 2011, he moved to the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Since November 2022 he is also consulting for Metis/ZKM.