INESC ID at Técnico Ph.D. Open Days 2023

INESC ID at Técnico Ph.D. Open Days 2023

Instituto Superior Técnico will host between November 27th and 29th, the 9th edition of the Ph.D. Open Days, counting on the presence of INESC ID members as speakers and among Ph.D. participants. The event is an opportunity for more than one thousand Ph.D. students to socialize and share their research with the academic community, companies, and alumni.

On the 27th, the day will be fully dedicated to open “Ph.D. Workshops” on selected topics from technical to soft skills, including two sessions by INESC ID researchers:

– 09h30 – 12h30 I “How to prepare an excellent presentation (or at least an acceptable one)” by INESC ID researcher Luís M. Correia, Full Professor at DEEC/Técnico
– 16h30 – 18h00 I “LaTeX 101 – A soft introduction to scientific typesetting” by João Nuno Silva, NESC ID researcher and Assistant Professor at DEEC/Técnico

The official Opening of the Ph.D. Open Days will take place on November 28th (Salão Nobre I 9h15) by Rogério Colaço (President of Técnico) and Miguel Ayala Botto (Vice-President of the Scientific Council), followed by a session to present the new Técnico Ph.D. School hosted by Rogério Colaço, who will be joined by INESC Lisboa President and INESC ID researcher Leonel Sousa.

Next, the session “Welcome Reception Ceremony of the new PhD students” will have Mário Gaspar da Silva, INESC ID Researcher and President of the Ethics Commission at Técnico and Alexandre Francisco, INESC ID researcher and Vice-President of the Management Board for Academic Affairs among the Welcome reception members.

On the 29th  the Open Days  “Alumni Session” (11h-12h)  will count on INESC ID Alum Nuno Diegues, Principal Engineer at Cloudflare as one of the speakers joining André Neto, Instrumentation and Control Engineer at Fusion For Energy and Filipa Ferreira, Segment Leader at Schaeffler.

Throughout the event students will be able to attend 3 plenary talks in cutting-edge research fields, a full-afternoon dedicated to job-market oriented talks and speed-dating with Ph.D. employers.

Ph.D. students will participate in a Pitch Competition, having as members of the jury André Pires, Senior Software Data Engineer at BitSight and a former Junior researcher at the INESC ID Distributed Systems Group, and Luis Veiga, INESC ID researcher and Associate Professor DEI/Técnico.

The Poster Exhibition will include INESC ID Ph.D.s candidates: Pedro Orvalho, Ricardo Brancas, Diogo Lopes Vaz and Diogo Carvalho.

The event will end with the traditional “Out of the Box” debate this year under the subject leadership.

More about the event and full agenda here.


INESC-ID, “Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores: Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa” is a Research and Development and Innovation Organization (R&D+i) in the fields of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. INESC-ID mission is to produce added value to people and society, supporting the response of public policies to scientific, health, environmental, cultural, social, economic and political challenges. INESC-ID promotes cooperation between academia and industry by addressing research on daily life issues, such as healthcare, space, mobility, agri-food, industry 4.0, and smart grids. This high level of knowledge transfer is achieved through both competitive research projects and direct contracted research. Public and private entities have therefore access to a pool of knowledge, resources and services provided through the unique competencies available at the institution.


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