INESC-ID Most Recent H2020 Achievement: SparCity
An EuroHPC Joint Undertaking project has been recently approved. This project was highly ranked among all submitted projects to the 1st EuroHPC call.
The SparCity project aims at creating a supercomputing framework that will provide efficient algorithms and coherent tools specifically designed for maximising the performance and energy efficiency of sparse computations on emerging HPC systems, while also opening up new usage areas for sparse computations in data analytics and deep learning.
To demonstrate the effectiveness, societal impact, and usability of the framework, the SparCity project will enhance the computing scale and energy efficiency of four challenging real-life applications that come from drastically different domains, namely, computational cardiology, social networks, bioinformatics and autonomous driving. By targeting this collection of challenging applications, SparCity will develop world-class, extreme scale and energy-efficient HPC technologies.
This research project is coordinated at INESC-ID by Leonel Sousa and Aleksandar Ilic, and involves partnerships with Sabanci Universitesi (Turkey), Simula Research Laboratory (Norway), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (Germany), Graphcore AS (Norway). The general coordinator of this project is the KOC University (Turkey).
SparCity major goal is to build a sustainable exascale ecosystem and increasing Europe’s competitiveness.