Ciência 2018 – The annual meeting of Portuguese researchers
The annual meeting of Portuguese researchers Ciência 2018 was held July 2nd, 3rd and 4th, at the Lisbon Congress Center.
This meeting aims promoting a broad debate on the main topics and challenges of the scientific agenda beyond the world of research. The meeting main goal, therefore, is to stimulate not just the participation but also the interaction between researchers, the business sector and the general public.
INESC-ID researchers Mário Silva, Susana Vinga, Pedro Carvalho and João Pedro Barreto made their communications in the areas of technology in healthcare, renewable energies and smart cities.
Isabel Trancoso was the guest speakers on Session 4: “New frontiers of the digital age in Europe and the world – Novas fronteiras da era digital na Europa e no Mundo” .
Interviews and videos of the event are available on the Ciência 2018 Youtube Channel: