Category: Highlights

“Managing long-term digital information” in Expresso newspaper

INESC-ID Reseacher José Borbinha was interviewed for an article about managing digital information in the long term. This contribution comes in line with his coordination responsibilities  in the construction of the European eArchiving Building Block, in the scope of the CEF Programme:

Article about managing long-term digital information in Expresso newspaper

INESC-ID Reseacher José Borbinha was interviewed for an article about managing digital information in the long term. This contribution comes in line with his coordination responsibilities  in the construction of the European eArchiving Building Block, in the scope of the CEF Programme:

New H2020 project

Algos and SD research groups will partner with Barcelona Supercomputing Center and several other institutions in this new European project, with 3.9 M funding, to develop and deploy a production-ready parallel programming environment. This will turn future exascale supercomputers, which will be overwhelmingly heterogeneous, into…

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